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Plateau Service Agreements: Work Share (See parts one here & two here) While the Plateau “hands-free” service agreement is our most well-known service agreement option, we know it doesn’t fit the needs of every landowner, which is why we offer additional options including the “work share” service agreement. The “work share” landowner splits work & activities between Plateau and themselves. Landowners perform the activities they enjoy or want to complete to reduce costs, while Plateau handles specialized or...

As seen in Texas Land Conservancy Newsletter.   You have likely heard a lot about the importance of pollinators in the last few years. Concerns about declines in pollinator health are not new, but they received official attention with a Presidential Memorandum to create a federal strategy to promote pollinator health in June 2014. Much of the attention given to pollinators go to honeybees due to their importance to our agricultural crops. But there are over 700 native...

Plateau Service Agreements: Hands-free (See part one here: What IS a Plateau Service Agreement?) When you think of a Plateau Service Agreement, you probably think full compliance, or what we’ll recall from the previous post as “hands-free.” For the “hands-free” landowner, Plateau schedules, executes, and documents all of the necessary wildlife management activities while providing oversight and detailed documentation for the annual report. We handle the work, while you enjoy all that your property has to offer. A typical...

From the Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Team Spring is upon us, and with it, another great issue of Seasons. This issue is filled with helpful information on timely topics, shared by Plateau folks, to help you with your journey in wildlife management valuation toward better land stewardship. Spring is also wildlife management plan and filing season. Our existing and new landowner customers are always on our minds. Did you know that more than 400 landowners will...

What IS a Plateau Service Agreement? Simply put, a Service Agreement is a yearly contract for Plateau to fulfill a few, some, or all of your wildlife management activities required each year under wildlife management valuation. What’s not so simple are the many variables that affect each individual landowner agreement. Most service agreements are customizable, one-of-a-kind, and unique to each property and its owners. Over the past nine years, I have been helping landowners with their wildlife...

Do you own fewer than 20 acres in ag or timber? Have you been told you do not qualify for wildlife because you have fewer than 20 acres?   Don’t give up so soon. Keep reading and we’ll explain why the wildlife management valuation may be right for you, and why you do actually qualify.   There are over 3 million acres in Texas with wildlife management as the current ag valuation use. Many of those are smaller acreage...

When tax bills began arriving in the fall, you were no doubt reminded of the economic benefit of having a wildlife or agricultural valuation in place. Whenever the Texas Legislature is coming into session, we at Plateau are often asked, “Are they going to take away my wildlife or agricultural valuation?” And as certain as death and taxes, we should expect at least one or two newspaper articles next spring about how some landowners are...

From the Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Team We’ve seen a few cold snaps here in Central Texas and we are all getting in the holiday spirit. This time of year is full of joy, relaxation*, and celebrations. The crew at Plateau is feeling particularly celebratory this year because we have a lot to be grateful for. For one, we work at one of the best companies in the world. This company allows us to do what...

A variety of challenges are encountered in land ownership and management, and few are more sensitive than the prospect of endangered species. As a result of complicated state and federal laws and regulations, many landowners are uncomfortable with the implications of having endangered or threatened species on their property. There are also numerous misconceptions associated with endangered species and landowner rights and responsibilities. However, having endangered species on your property, particularly a Hill Country specialist...