
Here are the top reasons to get a Wildlife Management Annual Report from Plateau:

  1. It’s in the numbers – Plateau completes 800+ annual reports in 80+ Texas counties every year.
  2. We have a great reputation – Plateau has worked with CADs and provided these reports for 20+ years.
  3. Annual report history – CADs can ask for annual reports up to five years back so it’s best to do one every year. Plateau keeps all reports and history on file on your behalf.
  4. Request preparation – Plateau contacts our service area CADs during the summer to find out when reports will be requested, you’ll know from us when your report is due before you receive your letter in the mail.
  5. Documentation email reminders – Regular reminders and helpful hints about your records and wildlife management activity recommendations.
  6. Record keeping resourcesDownload record keeping forms to help you track accurate and complete records of your wildlife management activities.
  7. Mail/Track/Confirm report to CAD – Plateau will mail, track, and confirm delivery of your annual report to the CAD for you.
  8. Easy Signature – Plateau offers convenient electronic signature via Adobe Sign. Once signed you will be able to instantly download a complete electronic copy of the report for your files.
  9. Access to your Annual Report Biologist – Contact your annual report biologist directly for questions or documentation help. Plateau is there for you all year long, not just when annual reports are due.
  10. Peace of Mind – Rest assured that before your report enters the hands of a CAD representative for review, it’s already been through countless reviews by our team.
AUTHOR: Plateau Wildlife
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