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A variety of challenges are encountered in land ownership and management, and few are more sensitive than the prospect of endangered species. As a result of complicated state and federal laws and regulations, many landowners are uncomfortable with the implications of having endangered or threatened species on their property. There are also numerous misconceptions associated with endangered species and landowner rights and responsibilities. However, having endangered species on your property, particularly a Hill Country specialist...

From the Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Team It hardly seems possible, but another summer is behind us and a beautiful Texas fall is now upon us. With the arrival of fall, we all know that deer and quail season, crisp fall weather, changing leaves, and the holiday season are right around the corner. Our hope is that you all got to spend some quality time on your land this summer. Fall brings a rejuvenated excitement for life...

From the Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Team Where did the first half of this year go? It has been the most eventful Winter and Spring seasons on record for us here at Plateau. We’ve been busy helping another 300+ landowners take advantage of all the benefits Wildlife Management has to offer. Mostly, we have been getting as much done as we could before another stifling Texas Summer hits home. Those of us who are from...

For land that loses “ag” valuation, Plateau works closely with our sister company, Braun & Gresham, and together we have an interesting and effective alternative to paying taxes on market value while reestablishing agricultural use. Taxes can be returned to “ag” rates if the property is made available for ecological research. Plateau and Braun & Gresham are uniquely able to set up qualifying Ecological Laboratories through our many relationships with colleges and universities. As a conservation-minded...

At the end of the day, it’s a property tax savings, but using the right terms can help avoid confusion. As we have learned over more than two decades of helping landowners with ag and wildlife exemptions (turns out that’s what most people call them), misunderstandings are common and conventional wisdom can be misleading. Even something as simple as what to call this significant property tax benefit can be confusing. Some of our recent efforts to...

Each year over 300 landowners purchase an Annual Wildlife Management Service Agreement to help implement their wildlife management plans. Here are just a few benefits these landowners are taking advantage of each year: Ease and Peace of Mind: Plateau will take care of your wildlife management activities giving you more time to enjoy your property resting easy knowing your valuation is being taken care of and you are moving toward the goals set forth in...

By Sarah Kahlich, AWB ®, Senior Wildlife Biologist & Registered Property Tax Consultant Around May 1st every year, central appraisal districts mail notices of appraised value to property owners. Often, the first thing a landowner notices is there is no value in the “Productivity Value of Ag/Timber Land” for the current year when there was the year before. This may cause increased heart rate and confusion to the person reading the notice. The most common first...

From the Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Team, There’s no doubt about it, spring is a time to get things done. While other seasons are ripe with reasons to put things off, spring signifies a clean, fresh start. The sun shines longer, the rains bring life to the plants that wilted away during the winter, and the young wildlife begins to flourish. In this issue of Seasons, you’ll find a checklist of activities perfect for springtime,...

Seasons Winter 2017

From the Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Team, Another great season is upon us and we’ve finally gotten a little taste of Winter to lift our spirits and put us in a jolly mood for the upcoming Holidays. This time of year is full of joy, celebration, and for most of us, spending time outdoors with family, friends, and wildlife. We’re happy to celebrate another year in review. It’s been a great year here at Plateau...

Seasons Fall 2017

From the Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Team, The fall season is upon us once again and just like that, it is time for another "Seasons" from all of us here at Plateau. Before we get into the contents of this issue we want to take moment to turn our thoughts to all of those impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Many of our clients and landowners who we know were affected in some way and we want...